Brute-Force Attack Options

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Brute-Force Attack Options

EPB allows you to set specific options for recovering the password to backups and password containers.

NOTE: Recovering passwords is available only when using EPB for Windows OS.

Brute-force attacks allow checking all combinations of characters within defined limits to see if any of them matches the password.

1. Attack selection

To manage the Brute-Force attack settings, select the backup to be unlocked, double-click the Brute-Force attack, or click wheel next to it.

 You can see the settings of the attack highlighted in grey, it includes the number of words to be processed during this attack and the characters to be used.

brute force attack options


2. Defining attack settings


The Brute-Force attack settings page is displayed:

brute force attack settings

The following options are available:

Password length: You can define the length of the password to be checked, from 1 character to 15. Please note, the longer the password, the longer the check will be performed.

Common character sets: Define the characters that will be checked. The following combinations are available:

a-z: Allows checking combinations with lowercase letters.

A-Z: Allows checking combinations with uppercase letters.

0-9: Allows checking combinations with numbers from 0 to 9.

space: Allows adding a space between characters in the checked password.

punctuation: Allows using punctuation marks between characters in the password.

Custom character set: Define a custom set of characters that will be combined when checking the password.

You can use templates to save selected attack settings, or to load the attack settings from a template.

Click Done when you have finished defining the options.

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