Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor

Acesso instantâneo aos dados armazenados em arquivos de BitLocker, FileVault 2, PGP, TrueCrypt e VeraCrypt. Esta ferramenta extrai chaves criptográficas da RAM, arquivos de hibernação e arquivos de paginação ou usa senhas de texto simples ou chaves de deposição para descriptografar arquivos e pastas armazenados em arquivos criptografados ou monta volumes criptografados como novas letras de disco para acesso instantâneo em tempo real.

  • Tomes de Decrypt BitLocker, BitLocker To Go, FileVault 2, PGP, TrueCrypt e VeraCrypt
  • Extração de chaves criptográficas da RAM, arquivos de hibernação e contêineres de paginação, chaves de deposição e recuperação
  • Extração e preservação de quaisquer chaves de criptografia disponíveis
  • Montagem instantânea de contêineres criptografados como letras de disco
  • Capturação do conteúdo da memória volátil do computador usando uma ferramenta no nível do kernel
  • Operação rápida com divulgação zero

Suporta: BitLocker (incluindo configurações TPM), contêineres criptografados FileVault 2, PGP, TrueCrypt e VeraCrypt e criptografia de disco completa, BitLocker To Go, criptografia BitLocker XTS-AES, despejo de memória, arquivos de hibernação, arquivos de paginação

Common license $ 699

A Fully Integrated Solution for Accessing Encrypted Volumes

Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor offers a range of methods for gaining access to information stored in encrypted BitLocker, FileVault 2, LUKS, LUKS2, PGP Disk, TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt disks and volumes, and Jetico BestCrypt 9 containers. The toolkit allows using the volume's plain-text password, escrow or recovery keys, as well as the binary keys extracted from the computer’s memory image or hibernation file. FileVault 2 recovery keys can be extracted from iCloud with Elcomsoft Phone Breaker, while BitLocker recovery keys are available in Active Directory or in the user’s Microsoft Account.

If neither the encryption key nor the recovery key can be extracted, EFDD can extract meta data from the encrypted container to let Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery do its job.

Extract Encryption Metadata

Extracting encryption metadata from the encrypted disk is required if you need access to the original plaintext password to access the data. Forensic Disk Decryptor will instantly extract the encryption metadata from encrypted hard drives, crypto-containers and forensic disk images protected with TrueCrypt, VeraCrypt, BitLocker, FileVault, PGP Disk, LUKS/LUKS2, and Jetico BestCrypt disks and containers. The resulting small file contains everything that's required to launch a GPU-accelerated distributed attack with Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery.

Full Decryption, Instant Mount or Attack

With fully automatic detection of encrypted volumes and encryption settings, experts will only need to provide path to the encrypted container or disk image. Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor will automatically search for, identify and display encrypted volumes and details of their corresponding encryption settings.

Access is provided by either decrypting the entire content of an encrypted volume or by mounting the volume as a drive letter in unlocked, unencrypted mode. Both operations can be done with volumes as attached disks (physical or logical) or raw images; for FileVault 2, PGP Disk and BitLocker, decryption and mounting can be performed using recovery key (if available).

Full Decryption

Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor can automatically decrypt the entire content of the encrypted container, providing investigators with full, unrestricted access to all information stored on encrypted volumes

Real-Time Access to Encrypted Information

In the real-time mode, Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor mounts the encrypted volume as a new drive letter on the investigator’s PC. In this mode, forensic specialists enjoy fast, real-time access to protected information. Information read from mounted disks and volumes is decrypted on-the-fly in real time.

No Decryption Key and No Recovery Key?

If neither the decryption key nor the recovery key is available, Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor will extract metadata necessary to brute-force the password with Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery.

Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery can attack plain-text passwords protecting the encrypted containers with a range of advanced attacks including dictionary, mask and permutation attacks in addition to brute-force.

Sources of Encryption Keys

Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor needs the original encryption keys in order to access protected information stored in crypto containers. The encryption keys can be extracted from hibernation files or memory dump files acquired while the encrypted volume was mounted. There are three ways available to acquire the original encryption keys:

  • By analyzing the hibernation file (if the PC being analyzed is turned off);
  • By analyzing a memory dump file. A memory dump of a running PC can be acquired with the built-in memory imaging tool.
  • By performing a FireWire attack (PC being analyzed must be running with encrypted volumes mounted). A free tool launched on investigator’s PC is required to perform the FireWire attack (e.g. Inception).
  • By capturing a memory dump with built-in RAM imaging tool

FileVault 2, PGP Disk and BitLocker volumes can be decrypted or mounted by using the escrow key (Recovery Key).

Add more capabilities

Elcomsoft Encrypted Disk Hunter

Elcomsoft Encrypted Disk Hunter is a free, portable command-line tool to quickly discover the presence of encrypted volumes when performing live system analysis.

Multiple Windows, Linux and macOS full-disk encryption tools are supported including TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt, all versions of Microsoft BitLocker, PGP WDE, FileVault2, BestCrypt and LUKS. The tool must be launched with administrative privileges on the live system being analyzed. If an encrypted volume is detected, a further investigation of a live system might be needed to preserve evidence that could be lost if the computer were powered off.

» Read more about Elcomsoft Encrypted Disk Hunter in our blog

Principais benefícios do produto

Access Information Stored in Popular Crypto Containers

ElcomSoft offers investigators a fast, easy way to access encrypted information stored in a wide range of encrypted disks.

Acquiring Encryption Keys

There are at least three different methods for acquiring the decryption keys. The choice of one of the three methods depends on the running state of the PC being analyzed. It also depends on whether or not installation of a forensic tool is possible on a PC under investigation.

If the PC being investigated is turned off, the encryption keys may be retrieved from the hibernation file. The encrypted volume must be mounted before the computer went to sleep. If the volume is dismounted before hibernation, the encryption keys may not be derived from the hibernation file.

If the PC is turned on, a memory dump can be captured with a built-in memory imaging tool if installing such a tool is permitted (e.g. the PC is unlocked and the currently logged-in account has administrative privileges). The encrypted volume must be mounted at the time of acquisition.

Finally, if the PC being investigated is turned on but installing forensic tools is not possible (e.g. the PC is locked or logged-in account lacks administrative privileges), a DMA attack via a FireWire port can be performed in order to obtain a memory dump. This attack requires the use of a free third-party tool (such as Inception: http://www.breaknenter.org/projects/inception/), and offers near 100% results due to the implementation of the FireWire protocol that enables direct memory access. Both the target PC and the computer used for acquisition must have FireWire (IEEE 1394) ports.

Once the original encryption keys are acquired, Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor stores the keys for future access, and offers an option to either decrypt the entire content of encrypted container or mount the protected disk as another drive letter for real-time access.

Supported Disk Encryption Tools

Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor works with encrypted volumes created by current versions of BitLocker, FileVault 2, LUKS/LUKS2, PGP Disk, VeraCrypt and TrueCrypt, including removable and flash storage media encrypted with BitLocker To Go. Supports PGP Disk encrypted containers and full disk encryption, VeraCrypt and TrueCrypt system and hidden disks, and Jetico BestCrypt 9 containers.

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Requisitos do sistema


  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2008-2022

Informações sobre a versão do produto

Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor v.2.20.1011

  • added support for LUKS2 encryption
  • minor bug fixes and performance improvements

Todos os programas podem ser desinstalados usando ferramentas padrão do Microsoft Windows - através painel do controle ou acesso directo ''Desinstalar'' no menu ''Iniciar'' do Windows'

Requisitos do sistema


  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2008-2022

Informações sobre a versão do produto

Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor v.2.20.1011

  • added support for LUKS2 encryption
  • minor bug fixes and performance improvements

Todos os programas podem ser desinstalados usando ferramentas padrão do Microsoft Windows - através painel do controle ou acesso directo ''Desinstalar'' no menu ''Iniciar'' do Windows'

Comprar Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor

Common license
$ 699